Agg!e Legends Podcast, Legendary Tales with Wild Bill
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Podcasting since 2019 • 40 episodes
Agg!e Legends Podcast, Legendary Tales with Wild Bill
Latest Episodes
The Van Leeuwen Brothers
The Trifecta of Wide Receivers, raised in the shadow of Mount Timpanogos, but made their way to the promised valley; The Van Leeuwen Brothers join the show! Kyle, Zach and Travis all sit down to chat about how it's possible to keep a Van Leeuwe...

Brennan McFadden
Aggie O Lineman and current Head Ball Coach in California, Brennan McFadden joins the AL boys. He talks about his time as the Center for the Aggie Football team and his path to teaching and coaching High School!

Justin Bean and Abel Porter interviews, and the entire Championship Press Conference
This is some bonus content with 2 interviews, 1 with Justin Bean and 1 with Abel Porter. The rest is the entire post-game press conference after the Aggies championship win!